"Cada qual sabe amar a seu modo; o modo pouco importa; o essencial é que saiba amar." (Machado de Assis)

sexta-feira, setembro 15

Being Boring

Existem músicas que trazem a você sentimentos de uma época. Ou a sentimentos que você já viveu. Ou ainda um alguém que você já foi um dia e hoje parece tão distante.
Being Boring é uma dessas musicas pra mim. Eu sinto tantas coisas, tanta urgência, tanta vontade, que parece que vai se formar um furacão.
Quero que este final de semana seja tudo o que essa música me traz de sensações. =)
E desejo isso pra vocês também. Ou, ao menos, para os que tiverem coragem. ;)

Being Boring
(Pet Shop Boys)

I came across a cache of old photos
And invitations to teenage parties
"Dress in white" one said,
with quotations from someone's wife,
a famous writer
In the nineteen-twenties

When you're young
you find inspiration
In anyone who's ever gone
And opened up a closing door
She said:"We were never feeling bored"

'Cause we were never being boring
We had too much time
To find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought,then thought: "Make amends"
And we were never holding back
or worried that
Time would come to an end

When I went I left from the station
With a haversack
and some trepidation
Someone said:"If you're not careful
You'll have nothing left
and nothing to care for
In the nineteen-seventies"

But I sat back and looking forward
My shoes were highand I had scored
I'd bolted through a closing door
I would never find
myself feeling bored

'Cause we were never being boring
We had too much time
To find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought,then thought: "Make amends"
And we were never holding back
or worried that
Time would come to an end
We were always hoping that,
looking back
You could always rely on a friend

Now I sit with different faces
In rented rooms and foreign places
All the people I was kissing
Some are here
and some are missing
In the nineteen-nineties

I never dreamt
that I would get to be
The creature that I always meant to be
But I thought in spite of dreams
You'd be sitting
somewhere here with me

'Cause we were never being boring
We had too much time
to find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought,then thought: "Make amends"
And we were never holding back
or worried that
Time would come to an end
We were always hoping that,
looking back
You could always rely on a friend

And we were never being boring
We had too much timeto find for ourselves
And we were never being boring
We dressed up and fought,
then thought: "Make amends"

And we were never being boring
We were never being bored
'Cause we were never being boring
We were never being bored

4 comentários:

Mosana disse...

ooo nem conheço a musga.. quem canta?
e qnt ao trequinho..
entra em http://www.sitemeter.com/
se cadastra lah.. poe o codigo no seu blog.. (no template) dae vai ficar um linkzinho.. clicando nele vc verah essas coisas inusitadas heheheh
espero ter ajudado!

Mosana disse...

sorry agora q vi q eh o pet shop q canta!! e sim eu conheço hauhauahauhauh
e eh otima!
bom fim de semana!!

j. disse...

quanta nostalgia

Nana disse...

Pet Shop Boys eh taaaaaum bommm :D
Mas eh Raul quem me traz mais nostalgia de um tempo que naum vivi, mas que curiosamente esta vivo em mim.
Boa escolha!

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